I'm a Jeffersonian
A lady in Georgia was quoted recently in a CNN article as saying, "...George Bush was placed where he is by the Lord..."
I'm guessing she wouldn't have voted for Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, the third president of the USA (2 terms), and the author of the Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom. Though, being our president for 8 years, I'm assuming he also was placed in office by the Lord.
"I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature.....Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make half the world fools and half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the world."
- Thomas Jefferson, in his Notes on Virginia.
Chris and I visited Monticello a few months ago. It is interesting how Jefferson proclaimed to be opposed to slavery but owned a home that used many slaves. And he may have had an affair with one of them and fathered children. I'll admit he was a great man, but sometimes I think about what he said vs. what he did. Actions speak louder than words kind of thing. Anyway, this is just me ruminating.
Oh, I totally agree that our founding fathers weren't the saints they're made out to be. I just liked the quote. Many of the things Jefferson wrote seem to be relevant in today's political atmosphere.
What I like about Jefferson is that he was a real person. He wasn't perfect by a long shot, but then, who is?
He was a mass of contradictions, but his intent was always for the good of the people, of the masses.
Not excusing his faults, but still... think about the times he lived in.
And that quote? Still incredibly relevant today.
good point!
The quotation is, of course, all the more relevant when we are deluged by those who would inflict a theocracy upon us and they try to build their case on the "faith of the founding fathers".
It is clear from the quotation that Jefferson was a least aware of the dangers of what others are attempting to force upon us (ironically in his [and others'] own name[s]).
Thanks for reminding us of the quote.
Probably the greatest Stateman this county has ever had and one of the top 5 Presidents... now if he just hadn't founded that damned university...
That woman quoted on CNN needs to check in to the clinic to have her
meds adjusted upwards. Bush was placed there by FRAUD.
Jefferson is one of my favorites also for alot of the same reasons rebekah stated . YAY
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